Saturday, July 30, 2016

Live Long and Prosper: Star Trek: Into Darkness - the NSO

This will be a short blog post today since this show was simple but quite good! Coming up on the 50th anniversary of the Star Trek original series, the rebooted series by J.J Abrams came to Wolf Trap with a score played by the NSO. This was the 2nd movie of the series, with the third one being released very recently. Star Trek of course has a very long and successful history and is one of the most popular fantasy series of all time! The original series with Leonard Nemoy and William Shatner aired from 1966 to 1968 and the first feature film was released in 1979. The first film in the rebooted series was released in 2009 and all three have been critically acclaimed and commercially successful.

This show was very easy to manage and because of that, I was really able to get into the music and film. I forgot how good these rebooted Star Trek movies are and the music was really amplified with live orchestra. The audience was very into the movie itself and I couldn't help but get into it too! The only unfortunate part is that it rained almost the entire time and it was pretty miserable on the lawn. Luckily, that also brought down the temperature and the rain did stop by the end of the movie!

I don't know if I have a favorite part of the movie but I was able to get a close look at the orchestra near the pit while they were playing the credit which was very cool!

As always, looking forward to more shows in the future!


The USS Enterprise 

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