Tucked between shows featuring more popular acts, the Trap will play host to a few shows that are a little out of the ordinary. After a very busy Diana Ross concert, Wolf Trap was treated to the somewhat strange but very unique dance group called Pilobulus. Founded in 1971 by a groups of students at Dartmouth, Pilobulus has emerged as one of the most distinguished dance groups in the country and have performed in countless venues and shows around the world. They have performed on David Letterman and at the Grammy Awards a few years ago. Their show last night involved a number of different acts. One act featured dancers moving against a glass box with a camera on the other side of the glass. Another act had them trying to escape from a box. Between each act, there was an avant garde like video. All in all, it's probably one of the strangest shows you'll see at the Trap. Despite this, I enjoyed most of it and really tried to understand the themes they were trying to express through their different dances. As an art form, dance can convey deeper meaning than a lot of other artistic expression and I really respect the people who can successfully deliver a message through movement.
This was the quietest show we've had in a long time. There were less than 300 people on the lawn and it was a far cry from what the rest of the shows this week will be like. Because it was a small crowd, the rules were relaxed and I didn't have to talk to anyone really about chairs or photography. We also got done pretty early and the lawn was clear by the time I got done with my wheelchair. I really needed a quiet show after a couple weeks of busy events. As always, looking forward to more performances!
My favorite part of the show was the part where the dancers were up against the glass box. Yeah it was weird but it was very fascinating how they used their bodies to create different shapes.
I can touch my toes ok
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