Thursday, June 21, 2018

Backpack Kid - Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo

I've said it many times and I'll say it again; one of the best parts of this job is that I'm able to see shows that I would probably never see on a regular basis. While I appreciate ballet and regard it as an incredibly impressive form of art, I normally don't seek it out in most places. Regardless if you like ballet or not, the dance corp that came to Wolf Trap on Tuesday is sure to entertain you. Founded in 1974, Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo is an all male drag show that combines traditional ballet styles with modern dancing and some comic  relief. They started in New York City performing in small lofts off broadway. Since then, they have broadened their scope and fan base while going on tour all over the world. One of their biggest performances were at the Royal Variety Performance in London and they continue to incorporate new acts into their routine. While men in ballet is not unusual in and of itself, they dress and in what many would call women's costumes and do their choreography often en pointe. For us non-ballet dancers, this is the traditional technique where dancers stand on their toes. All of this makes them one of the most unique ballet troupes out there. 

I honestly had no idea what this show was about. Reading the program, it took me a little while to realize that they were satirizing Russian ballet protocol with fake names and bios. Even the intro spiel was done in jest. The dances itself were mostly serious but also had more "modern" dance moves that made for extra entertainment. So yes, the backpack kid dance made an appearance as did a few other viral dance moves. While you would assume they would feel out of place in the middle of Swan Lake and other famous suites, in fact the dancers pulled it off quite well while maintaining their unique stage personality. To be sure, the ballet itself was top notch and they're definitely high level professional dancers. But just when you feel like you could be at the Kennedy Center watching any other ballet troupe, they end their routine by fast walking in a line off the stage like they're a bunch of mom's walking in Orange County. If that isn't artistic expression, I don't know what it. 

My favorite part of the show was when they danced to Stars and Stripes Forever to close the performance! It was a perfect combination of impressive ballet and comic interpretations and it really exemplified what they're all about. 

Looking forward to more shows in the future!


Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo

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